Best Buddies!

>> Friday, June 19, 2009

After a rough start (the first 3 months), Isabelle and Keating are now inseparable. Isabelle is so proud of her little brother, often showing him off to anyone that comes to visit. She is the first to want to go into her brother's room in the morning or after a nap to greet him with a very loud mixture of screams, laughter as she says "Good morning little buddie!" All the while she is climbing the crib rails to try and touch her brother. She constantly tries to make him laugh either by standing in front of him and making loud noises such as clapping, jumping, hopping and laughing. Then there is the constant need to kiss her baby brother in the face , Keating objects to this at times when he is not in the mood to be grabbed and have her sister's face right in his. He's got quite a little temper my little boy! But there is no denying that just as much as Isabelle loves him, Keating only needs to see her to get a smile on his face and arouse an episode of a mile-a-minute kicks. So adorable!

The following are a series of pictures of the two taken from the time Keating was born until now (he is 8 months and Isabelle soon to be 3 in July)